Sunday, May 04, 2008

I spent most of the weekend getting my geek on at the 2008 Maker Faire. I wrote about last year's event here.

This year was also cool, but I wonder if this event is heading the way of San Francisco's Hardly Strictly Bluegrass festival - an event that has grown to such a size that it is less fun to attend. This year, it felt like there were a lot of attendees who were just there because they heard it was a the place to be, rather than because they are interested in the DIY culture the event celebrates. I got there early on Saturday and it took 20+ minutes to get from the freeway into the parking lot and I heard it got a lot worse later in the day.

I saw lots of interesting lectures, some very cool sculptures and some good bands, including Total Annihilation, Microfiche and Culann's Hounds.

Here are a few pictures I posted from this year's event.


Anonymous said...

Ian, I'm glad you liked Microfiche. Just thought I'd write to add our proper URL. I think something happened to the link above.

Tim from Microfiche

Ian said...

Thanks Tim.

Looks like Blogger messed up all the URLs I put in for the bands.

I fixed them all.
