Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I just finished The Canon by Natalie Angier. The Canon is a summation of current basic scientific knowledge, wrapped in a well written package. I originally picked this up for my girlfriend - she has complained for years about the poor job her high school science teachers did and how she would like to know more about basic science.

If you're interested in a particular topic, I'd look for more focused books but if you want an over-view, this is one of the best I've seen. I found the biology section particularly interesting since I took only the most basic biology classes in school and didn't pay attention very much in those. This book fleshed out what I know a little.

Amazon Link: The Canon: A Whirligig Tour of the Beautiful Basics of Science


Megan said...

And has Stacey read it?

Ian said...

Not yet - she's been too busy.

Jason said...

This book sounds cool. I think I need it. The only thing I remember from high school physics is that heavier objects fall faster. I can't remember why, though.

Ian said...

I think there needs to be a rule here about not posting comments that are more amusing than the original post.